Hank Watson's Garage Hour - Cars, Trucks, Beers & Guns

...Because there's still squads of peoplelike objects shambling the streets who think Memorial Day is National Uncover the Pool Day or Barbecue Day, the Gearhead Consultancy is here to unconfuse you about this solemn day. From rules for your flag to the right time for the moment of silence (yuuuuuup), we're here to help with how y'all are going to honor those who signed on the dotted line but never came back, and why the price they paid allows you to spend the weekend Tooting on Myface.

... And because you might like some relief from all that heaviness: there's Faith No More, Tomahawk, hounds with bees in their mouths , why "2001: Space Odyssey" makes us think too much, and making hay with the hundred-dollar commuter (don't overown it).

Direct download: HWGH053022.m4a
Category:gearhead personality -- posted at: 7:00am EDT