Hank Watson's Garage Hour - Cars, Trucks, Beers & Guns
05.29.10: Classic! Hour at the 'Port, w/ Ferraris, Lexi, Fords, TPMS, Layoffs, Everest, the Bottle Shop, the Scoupe, Coffee, the Explorer Tire Recall, the Magic Bullet and an Analysis of East Coast People

Hostus Maximus Justin Fort brings you one of the Garage Hour's classic "Hour at the 'Port" episodes from 2010, with a little bit of everything car, truck, beer and gun from such vintage cohosting awesomeness as Boston Rich, Grizzly Chris, plus Mr. Dustin and Dirty Dave. Plus, you get to listen as Justin slowly taste-tests himself into a fine buzz that makes for fun radio...

Now, for the goods:  this Garage Hour's stacked with everything from boston's Rich's new job, the Pizza Port's new joint in Ocean Beach, master brewer Diamond Jeff Bagby his damn self, Poochie the Dog, beer vocabulary, trains, Carlsbad (or worse), a magic bullet, scoupe Story #2, plus Lexuses (Lexi?), Ferraris, Ford Exploders, and how everything in the world is two degrees from the Simpsons.


Direct download: HWGH052910.m4a
Category:gearhead personality -- posted at: 7:23pm EDT