Hank Watson's Garage Hour - Cars, Trucks, Beers & Guns

This episode was a big-belly special after only a few minutes - even the villains were edible.  Hostus Maximus Justin Fort ran a surprise salvo at Location B(eer)'s head brewer Jon Taylor, and he responded with truckloads of ingredients, styles, practices and flavor.  That means everything from burgers to baloney and fine sips a'plenty, plus a debate of cask versus tap and some of the geek vigor that makes it all possible.

...Featuring Downtown Brown, Tiny Eyes Double-IPA, Soul Horkey, Stay Here, 9.5 Thesis, plus Manzanita's Night Fighter and Norman Greenbaum.

Direct download: HWGH012022mp3.mp3
Category:gearhead personality -- posted at: 8:32pm MST