Hank Watson's Garage Hour - Cars, Trucks, Beers & Guns

More good stuff! The Garage Hour does another snowy night episode in this one, but we tromped out into the storm to Trinity Brewing for fine sips with Mr. Three-Letter Agency himself ("Regular" Bill) and FNC Spidertruck to have a beer melee (Space Force IPA, Garden of the Hops, Rasberry Kolsch, Sour Horkey, Stay Here from 2017, and Obnoxious Redhead (probably a beer)) and discuss fine shovelling (plastic versus aluminum, plus steel!).

Don't worry: there's more than just a review of US military policy in the Pacific viavis the pinko peril posed by China. As promised, we've got a little ditty on whether your all-wheel drive Subaru will save you from inclement weather, and why the Subie solution isn't saving Denver from its bursting bubble.

Direct download: HWGH012221.m4a
Category:gearhead personality -- posted at: 4:36pm MST