Hank Watson's Garage Hour - Cars, Trucks, Beers & Guns

Don't flinch or you'll miss it: squashy gumdrop Hyundais and crosseyed-cubist Land Rovers, dirty grabby D.O.E. palm-greased double-dealing from former Gov. Hatchetface, details of more battery "storage" plant (pile) fires set to poison the air and water (and dirt and neighbors), minivan idiots and their self-awareness fails (headlights for fun and profit), as well as tales of melted classic cars in Los Angeles garages and a border fire south of San Diego that's ruining lots of great four-wheeling trails and a bunch of sneaky Border Patrol hideouts.

While we're at it, how about some support for the folks who were able to (or smart enough to) hold back and protect their homes and neighbors during LA's latest Dem-fired inevitable tinderparty, Hunter S. Thompson, William Gibson, bubbled mongoloids and DC staffers (as if they're not the same thing).

Direct download: HWGH012225.m4a
Category:gearhead personality -- posted at: 11:29pm MST