Hank Watson's Garage Hour - Cars, Trucks, Beers & Guns

Grab some Garage Hour for the perfect in-garage chat session: Gringo Rich joins Hostus Maximus Justin Fort for nothing but gearhead.

Interested in coatings for the new steel on your old truck?  Just say spray paint!  Gotten a ticket(s) from the CHP?  They do a tough job, honestly or not - just take the ticket... Did you know about their their ongoing cold war with the SDPD?  Are you at Tierra del Sol this year?  We weren't (and why).  Tired of stupid designs that only seem to require you to invest in more stupid designs?  Thanks, post-Jobs Apple...  Do you think that needless government bureaucracy and masterminding is the ruin of innovation?  Ever been to a show at the Casbah in San Diego (thanks, Chef!) or the Col Ballroom in Davenport?  Remember John Deere's Earth-bending monster electromagnet?  Did you applaud when everyone on the planet told PETA to go F! itself when it went after Steve Irwin?  Think drive-by-wire is dangerous?

With a little help from Pineapple Grenade (via Protector Brewery), Powder 1, Rock Hound, Savage Off-Road, Addicted Off-Road and Krylon... We are you.

Direct download: HWGH030219mp3.mp3
Category:gearhead personality -- posted at: 4:41pm MST