Hank Watson's Garage Hour - Cars, Trucks, Beers & Guns
04.19.14: Guitar Dudes! Rock/Roll, Best Guitar Players, Best Rock Bands, What's a Pickup, Plus Off-Road, The Hills in La Mesa, Toyota VS Jeep and Smashing Instruments for Profit

Put a bunch of guitar experts on a gearhead show and you'll get more than you bargained for, including all sorts of stories about the rock and rollists, tales of humbuckers (whatever the Hell they is), pickups and frets, plus cars, trucks, beers and guns (of course).

Joining host Justin Fort and irregular cohost/food ninja Chef Jeff on this week's Garage Hour are none other than off-roading buddy Seth Hollander, guitar instructor of some repute (SethMetal.com) and the proud owner of the DeathRunner and lots of guns, and Battleship Dan, pro guitar builder (TopGearGuitar.com), guitar tech to the stars and confirmed Garage Hour superfan.

Also, the sincerest of Garage Hour apoligies: due to an ill-timed Kong infestation of KCBQ's 50,000-watt broadcast tower on the east side (of El Cajon), we lost a few minutes of the second hour.  Better luck next time.


Direct download: HWGH041914.m4a
Category:gearhead personality -- posted at: 11:29pm MST