Hank Watson's Garage Hour - Cars, Trucks, Beers & Guns
06.11.11: Ferd FTeenthousand VS Sasquatch, 24 Hours of LeMans, Shooting Trap, Broken Studios, Beck & Scientology, Engineers' Brains and the DMV

Killer show! This reloaded Garage Hour features a pile of legendary topics, including the Ferd FTeenthousand (whale house!), Sasquatch, scary celebrities, Beck's Scientology, Gavin Newsbag, Amon Tobin, stoner metal, Israel, the 24 Hours of leMans, Franchi shotguns, busting clay and Kevlar tornado shelters.

While we're at it, Black Ryan, Dirty Dave and former factory test driver Justin Fort also beat the Hell out of Glenn Danzig (who hasn't?), Moby (everyone should) and President Pickle (he's asking for it), and talk up the awesomeness that is engineers, shooting trap and the British VS the Argentines.

It's gearhead radio: who are you to resist?


Direct download: HWGH061111.m4a
Category:gearhead personality -- posted at: 11:29pm MST