Hank Watson's Garage Hour - Cars, Trucks, Beers & Guns

Breweries, wineries, meaderies, cideries, sakeries, distilleries, cofferies, salseries - it must be another episode in the Beeralani Makers' District with Protector Brewing.

The Garage Hour goons link up with Protector point-man and retired SEAL Sean Hannity...  sorry, Haggerty...  for an hour of fine sippin' with good beers, including the Beast, Pineapple Grenade IPA - .45 Phil's new favorite - and Punisher Pils.  Haggerty, .45 and a Canadian tourist also trade tales of things they brewerd and drank in Iraq, including Protector's first beer, a heff brewed in Ramadi called the Baghdad Special.  Then the cohosts kung-fu fight over fresh, delicious Mister G's salsa (courtesy of Mike the Duck).

From there, it's trucks and guns - Hostus Maximus and the Diesel Ayatollah go to town on trail-prep for a big run to Colorado's highlands, and everyone shares stories of their favorite assault rifle (It's a trick; get it?  Anything you assault anyone with is an assault thing.  Hit somebody with your phone and it's an assault phone.  Hit someone with a meatball and you're an Italian grandmother.  Grammar: use it right.)

It's the Garage Hour - because gearhead.

Direct download: HWGH070818.m4a
Category:gearhead personality -- posted at: 11:16pm MST