Hank Watson's Garage Hour - Cars, Trucks, Beers & Guns

The Garage Hour goons got together at Helix Brewing for a late-night chat under the stars.  You can hear the freeway and WRXs going by at speed (with an HKS tweet!), you can hear the earth breathing, and you can hear the Diesel Ayatollah and Rob from Facetagram sensation "SD Beer Tour" chat about gears and beers with Hostus Maximus Justin Fort.  So much good stuff.

Gearhead?  This episode has crotch rockets at speed, taking care of your 12-volt battery, pride of ownership and why gearheads take better care of their bits, wenches in the garage, truck poseurs versus gas mileage, off-roading for the Persieds (and dragging a Prius behind), adaptable 4Runners, Palomar Mountain's curves, and going fast versus going too fast (and when is which).

Beers?  San Diego's very own Helix Brewing, Mosaicaholic, Stoner Moment and the Red Rufus, San Diego's beer fests in September, hazy versus lazy, and a little preamble of Helix's second birthday party on August 26.

Direct download: HWGH081617mp3.mp3
Category:gearhead personality -- posted at: 12:18pm MST