Hank Watson's Garage Hour - Cars, Trucks, Beers & Guns

You can't get this kind'a gearhead awesomesauce without a license... or a warrant...  The Garage Hour goons assembled at Location A for an hour of hard parts and broken bits.  The Diesel Ayatollah and Gringo Rich performed a complete Harbor Freight compressor teardown during the show, much to Hostus Maximus Justin Fort's chagrin (poor bastard was trying to run a show...).

Once the fleer diaphragm and hoseplot dialopter were adjusted to spec, however, it was all trucks and rocks and bonk, with extensive tales from the depths of high-mountain Colorado.  Nothing like a weeklong diet of boulders, scree fields, knobby tires, murderous hyraxes and brewery after brewery to make the Ouray-Silverton-Durango off-roading mecca go like a champ - one of the best FJ Summits in memory.  Thanks to Rock Hound Off-Road and Marlin Crawler for making getting there (and get-back) possible.

Download yourself some Garage Hour now before Uncle Donald summons the Gearhead Consultancy to the Oval Office (because everything goes better in the garage).


Direct download: HWGH090118.m4a
Category:gearhead personality -- posted at: 12:59am MST