Hank Watson's Garage Hour - Cars, Trucks, Beers & Guns

Slather on the Justin powa - from Canadian marionettes to catching up on your Orange Goblins, from dickheads with their high beams (and why is it always a Jeep or a Tesla?) to the rules about passing a snowplow, from Ford's exploding batteries to its self-disassembling front suspension (a case of the Teslas?), from Charles Bronson "fixing Emmitt" to the Israelis confiscating a lot of nice shotguns, from crashing into smaller things than you to Honda buying Nissan (why?), it's classic Garage Hour supersauce - spread it on.

...With Orange Goblin, Dire Straits, Masters of Reality, Soundgarden, Kyuss, Solarized, The Sword, Mastodon, Man or Astro Man and High on Fire.  There's also bears, crocodiles, birds and Dad's poor Buick Century.

Direct download: HWGH102224.m4a
Category:gearhead personality -- posted at: 9:35pm MST