Hank Watson's Garage Hour - Cars, Trucks, Beers & Guns

So much to upload - sorry, so busy...  Garage Hour is on it, though, so don't 'fraid dat: we've got a goodly gearhead glob of geeksauce here.  Undercar neon, roundhouses for parking your locomotive and your caboose, sawzalls and reciprocating burglars, driverless cabs, moralless robots, reliabilityless Fords, and the Novembre open-wheel Pike's Peak hillclimber for sale.  There's more car-guy stuff: emergency brakes versus parking brakes, and the mechanical peril posed by wheel and tire choices combined with pulling a parade float while undertalented.

As for the spice, there's much to enjoy: Rammsetin, Black Nasa, Alabama Thunderpussy, Monster Magnet, Nation of Fear, QOTSA, Wo Fat, as well as cohosts of note Gerhart Klimeck and Dirty Dave.

Direct download: HWGH112122.m4a
Category:gearhead personality -- posted at: 11:45pm MST