Hank Watson's Garage Hour - Cars, Trucks, Beers & Guns
05.01.10: Classic! Road Warrior & Aussie Mullets, Big Steam (SF 3751) @ 230psi, Big V8 Sounds @ Salt Flats,  Slayer + Testament + Megadeth VS Fatso Jetson, and Why We Still Love Demon Toyotas

Big steam coming to San Diego - the Garage Hour goons geek on Santa Fe 3751, plus pop a few of the vultures circling Toyota (now, with facts!) and levy a fine defense of a fine automaker (who would believe a vulture, anyway?).  Beyond those stalwart fun bits are more of the good ol' Garage Hour schticks, including a rendition of V8 music, the Road Warrior, burning coils and injectors for fun and pleasure, an indictment of US lawmakers using Mexican illegals as pawns, Freddie Krueger #1 VS #2, plus a ton of rock and roll with Megadeth, Slayer, Testament and Fatso Jetson.

Cohosts Dirty Dave and Grizzly Chris showed up to help Hostus Maximus Justin Fort beat this episode into submission.  Grab it now.

Direct download: HWGH050110.m4a
Category:gearhead personality -- posted at: 11:50pm MST