Hank Watson's Garage Hour - Cars, Trucks, Beers & Guns
10.23.10: Hour at the 'Port Classic! Hoptoberfest Live, Beer Reviews of Port Truck Stout & Fresh-Hopped IPAs, SoCal Traffic, Trying On Guns @ Fine Firearms, Hieroglyphed Mausers, Chupacabras, Heckling Hecklers, Plus Junior Seau & Chargers VS Raiders

A Garage Hour Reload worth loading: Garage hour unhinged!  Live from Hoptoberfest, the Garage Hour goons enjoy beer and pizza tasting at the Pizza Port's annual celebration, and roll around in a debate over Junior Seau's troubles and some prognostications regarding the Chargers' and Raiders' futures.  Then, it's all about beer and guns and BMW owners who can't park, as well as the need to try a handgun on before purchase, plus pork, scary things roaming around at the Texas/Mexico border, chimps attacking the police, the upcoming Strong Ale Festival, why rainy weather makes San Diegans something something, and why the public can be a dick.

At one point, the 'Port's full-time brewing sublord and sometime cohost Boston Rich goes after background hecklers (hey, we don't like skaters either), while additional cohosts David Lozeau and Alex Hunt help Hostus Maximus Justin Fort debate the flaws in every skater's childhood.  Good times.

Direct download: HWGH102310.m4a
Category:gearhead personality -- posted at: 2:57pm MST