Hank Watson's Garage Hour - Cars, Trucks, Beers & Guns

Take a cautionary stance as gearheads, geeks and the great unwashed makers look forward to 2025 - it's our year to make great, but some of that tin needs straightening.  From the evil of your refrigerator conspiring with the dishwasher to convince the thermostat to drop the house to 42ยบ, to the sloppy software from fool programmers on the wrong side of the wall allowing your data to be hacked by your car before you even get out of the driveway, it's time to get paranoid and understand that bad governance won't fix itself.  We've never seen so much of the tail of hidden corruption than we can now, so take a running start.

It's in there: Sagan's theory on why tech without morality can end worlds (where's the stop sign?), why bad governors in sad states will still push failed technology (because it benefits them), and how the companies you shop need to be held to your standard (because Costco won't fix itself).

Direct download: HWGH123124mp3.mp3
Category:gearhead personality -- posted at: 5:13pm MST