Hank Watson's Garage Hour - Cars, Trucks, Beers & Guns

Because gearheads care (here to help!): we've got some logic on why buying products from countries that don't respect intellectul property or design integrity (ahem, China's a nice example) can lead to more than a crappy iPhone charge cord (ie: real risk to you).  We're the Garage Hour, so our logic pivots from performance parts - when you need to depend on hard parts, what happens if they're soft?

It's in there: the adventure of shopping for made-better, #getChinesegobroke, buycotting, fake quality, counterfeit branding, fradulent controls, intentional defect, disregard for life, and respecting the goods that have earned their reputation (knockoff handbag, anyone?).

Direct download: HWGH011221.m4a
Category:gearhead personality -- posted at: 6:38pm MST