Tue, 31 March 2015
![]() A Garage Hour Reload worth loading: Garage hour unhinged! Live from Hoptoberfest, the Garage Hour goons enjoy beer and pizza tasting at the Pizza Port's annual celebration, and roll around in a debate over Junior Seau's troubles and some prognostications regarding the Chargers' and Raiders' futures. Then, it's all about beer and guns and BMW owners who can't park, as well as the need to try a handgun on before purchase, plus pork, scary things roaming around at the Texas/Mexico border, chimps attacking the police, the upcoming Strong Ale Festival, why rainy weather makes San Diegans something something, and why the public can be a dick. At one point, the 'Port's full-time brewing sublord and sometime cohost Boston Rich goes after background hecklers (hey, we don't like skaters either), while additional cohosts David Lozeau and Alex Hunt help Hostus Maximus Justin Fort debate the flaws in every skater's childhood. Good times. |
Mon, 30 March 2015
![]() "From awesome to suck in three seconds!" If you're ready for one of the edgey early Garage Hours, this is it. Want to know where the Sasquatch Runs were born? Want to hear one of our earliest Dude Food segments? Need to know the best way to mispronounce "Jamacha"? Keep finding yourself choosing between jerks and assholes in NASCAR? Think some F1 drivers' heads are strangely huge? Sick and tired of the fallacy of "unintended" acceleration? Us too. With special guest cohost Meatwad (from Aqua Teen Hunger Force), Hostus Maximus Justin Fort and cohosts Dirty Dave and Black Ryan embark on a superb sample of the best sort of train-of-thought talk radio. Remember, Hank Watson's Garage Hour - we digress. Man-eating catfish, armored sturgeon, Cherokees and Wagoneers, cartoons for grownups, Prowlers and Howlers, and Dirty Dave creates a new slogan for his hometown: "Solana Beach - Our Sharks Eat People". Because we're awesome. |
Tue, 24 March 2015
![]() With a reassuring intro from the most dangerous show in the world, Hank Watson's Garage Hour gets right down to gearhead, with Fords, junkyards (like A&B and 67 Truck in San Diego), tales of fine salvage, and the DUIs that get some of those vehicles there. The plan falls apart after that, with a Crag-infested BLEEPing roll-in that Mayor Bloomberg would like to ban, followed by hobbits. Yeah. .45 Phil likes hobbits. There's also a bit of seriousness in this episode, as Hostus Maximus Justin Fort and cohosts Crag Maxwell and .45 Phil speak up about some of the unspoken truths of the Sandy Hook shooting, including the need for the media and video game makers to admit that they're popularizing violence, and parents' need to assert their role as parent and not their kids' best friends. Not to keep it too dark, the Garage Hour goons rocket back to the Gearhead Planet with not so smart meters, Phil's Tank of the Week (the nasty Soviet Tunguska), and America's solution to Ruskie tanks, the A-10. Then it's all dogfights and Spads and beer and Bilsteins. Damn right you want it. |
Sun, 22 March 2015
![]() Garage Hour = gearhead hilarity. In one of our funniest (and best armed) episodes ever, we go toe-to-to with the Johnnies about all of the questions you've always wanted to ask the fuzz, and they answer. Sooooo, do you want to know if high-beaming the slowpoke in the #1 lane is legal? We did. How about cat-calling folks with your PA? Is "Keep Right Except to Pass" enforceable? Do people care that there's laws against texting and driving? Do the police really mess with victims motorists when they're pulled over? We ask it all of our buddy Mark McCullough from the San Diego Police, and he tells us everything - he's the information officer, after all, so he'd better have some. On top of that supercake, we pour on the usual Garagesauce: tax-day wallet pain, hybrid owners' moral narcissm, when it's legal to eat roadkill (and if you need tags to take that deer), deer hunting from your driveway, and that guy with the burgundy 'Vette in Lakeside who cohost Black Ryan is planning to T-bar. Additional cohost Mr. Dustin (Mr. 1%) and several secret couch-dwellers join Hostus Maximus Justin Fort for this episode as well. |
Fri, 20 March 2015
![]() From the most dangerous studio in the world, another wicked-dense 100%-everything Garage Hour for you. From the Russian-rich intro, with local commie sycophants and hidden leftists (we list a few - are they near you?), the Garage Hour goons run straight to gearheadopia with jumping Raptors (you have no one to blame but yourself), trucks, tanks and racing, and veer straight into the need for fear-based leadership (especially when managing a Radio Shack in Yuma). Don't worry - as usual (suspects), there's so much more. We've got the Marines in WW2 Pacific (and Eugene Sledge, author of "With the Old Breed"), Blue Oyster Cult, Helmet and the Blues Brothers, as well as bears in San Diego, pigs that need hunting, and snake loads for your revolver. Then it's all Venture Bros. this and Archer that, plus the Guild of Calamitous Intent and a heartfelt goodbye to one of the great archetypes of Cold War strength, Margaret "Iron Lady" Thatcher. |
Sun, 15 March 2015
![]() Sometimes your inner gearhead screams for tires and wrenches and pistons, and other times it wants to geek out elsewhere - guns, beers, politics, military junk, rock and/or roll, and/or other good stuff. This episode of the Garage Hour has both. Start with some real firearm appreciation (the NRA, fighting gun ignorance, guns in Jacumba and 1911s from the Philippines), and add a few rifle tips and tricks to the pile of goodness that is .45 Phil's Tank of the Week - the Israeli Merkava 4. Alongside that is a call to the Nuge to take apart CNN Failmaster Piers Morgan (or Jesse Ventura, if you just want to scare Morgan white). After that, it's back to the well - gearheads at the junkyard, gearheads and Miatas, gearheads and beer, gearheads off-roading, gearheads and Bilsteins, gearheads on the McChrystal conspiracies, plus gearheads talking historic birthdays (Robert E. Lee, Ben Franklin or Martin Luther King Jr., anyone?). Oh, and titanium. With cohosts .45 Phil and Crag Maxwell on-air and support from superfans like Battleship Dan and Sheri from Diehardland, it's just a lot of good stuff. Have some. |
Tue, 10 March 2015
![]() One of the most requested, replayed and reccoculous Garage Hours ever: our post-election freakout and firepower binge following the bipolar electoral results in 2010, where just about every state in the union went red but California... where we're based. F! With everything from President Pickle's transplant speech to the Marines' birthday (hooah!), from Colorado Garage Hour fans to the electoral wasteland headed by Jerry "Moonbeam" Brown and Gavin Newsbag, ultraphone cohost Nacho from the frozen wastes of Wisco and Mr. Dustin in the wilds of Nevada, plus drag racing Volvos, crashes in Pro 5.0, the tale of a hapless biker-killin' progressive politician named Fred "Clarkey" Clarke, and a lesson on shooting an M1919 from the hip, redneck-style. Don't hate us because we're pretty. Because we're not. This is the Garage Hour - faces made for radio.