Sun, 20 December 2020
12.12.20 (MP3): Some Sort of Winter Detailing Special (#BecauseSlush) - Dirt Has Friends & More Isn't Better, Protect Pretty w/ Off-Season Care, How to Use Coin-Op Wash, + Freeway Fun in Your L.A. Phase (Los Feliz!), Failure, Trinity DDH-45 & Slaughtercat
Why yes, we digress. It's in there (this time - we promise) with everything from a murderous feline to tow truck technique, plus seasons in Chicago, the 2020 Egg Nog GP, and Ken Andrews of the band Failure. While we're at it, there's actually a topic, too - detailing in the off-season because you care about how you look during the on-season. Winter is mean. Keep your rig clean even it it's not pretty, because little dings get big when you neglect them. Torn mats, harbored moisture, cracked clearcoats, destroyed fabrics - winter can make them all worse. You're a gearhead - do it right. |
Sun, 20 December 2020
12.12.20: Some Sort of Winter Detailing Special (#BecauseSlush) - Dirt Has Friends & More Isn't Better, Protect Pretty w/ Off-Season Care, How to Use Coin-Op Washes, + Freeway Fun in Your L.A. Phase (Los Feliz!), Failure, Trinity's DDH-45 & Slaughtercat
Why yes, we digress. It's in there (this time - we promise) with everything from a murderous feline to tow truck technique, plus seasons in Chicago, the 2020 Egg Nog GP, and Ken Andrews of the band Failure. While we're at it, there's actually a topic, too - detailing in the off-season because you care about how you look during the on-season. Winter is mean. Keep your rig clean even it it's not pretty, because little dings get big when you neglect them. Torn mats, harbored moisture, cracked clearcoats, destroyed fabrics - winter can make them all worse. You're a gearhead - do it right. |
Mon, 14 December 2020
12.02.20 (MP3): Gifts for Gearheads (& Geeks Too) - Good Ideas for X-Mas Gifting, w/ Tool Rules, One-Time VS One-Use, Valuable (& Bulk) Substances, Gifts that Enable Skills & Technique, Best Gearhead Retailers, + Fatso Jetson & Dead Guy Ale
Don't ruin the giving season with gift cards and missed targets. You can pimp your geek-power by thinking up ideal presents for all the aspiring gearheads on your list (and elevate your satisfaction in the process). The Garage Hour goons lay out automotive tools you didn't know about, used tools needing using too, shopping at pawn shops, and tools that fill a need. There's more, too: consumable gifts (drinkable, shootable or chemical), buying in bulk (don't be a cheap screw), plus parts for guns, cars and houses, as well as books (= timeless technique). |
Mon, 14 December 2020
12.02.20: Gifts for Gearheads (& Geeks Too) - Good Ideas for X-Mas Gifting, w/ Tool Rules, One-Time VS One-Use, Valuable (& Bulk) Substances, Gifts that Enable Skills & Technique, Best Gearhead Retailers, + Fatso Jetson & Dead Guy Ale
Don't ruin the giving season with gift cards and missed targets. You can pimp your geek-power by thinking up ideal presents for all the aspiring gearheads on your list (and elevate your satisfaction in the process). The Garage Hour goons lay out automotive tools you didn't know about, used tools needing using too, shopping at pawn shops, and tools that fill a need. There's more, too: consumable gifts (drinkable, shootable or chemical), buying in bulk (don't be a cheap screw), plus parts for guns, cars and houses, as well as books (= timeless technique). |
Wed, 9 December 2020
12.01.20 (MP3): Question Everything, Including Masks! Reward Your Skepticism & Feed the Gearhead Brain - What Works? Leadership VS Lockdowns? Hypocrites & Hysteria? Exposed VS Dead? + Monolord, Faust & Shortee, Folk Implosion
Scratch that itch - what's that line from Dirty Harry? "I gots to know!" The Gearhead Consultancy is fueled by the geek brain, always connecting the dots, pulling the threads, and more often than not, poking da' bears. We got a truckload of itches scratched and laid out some questions about why the mask fear-pressure freakout ain't making sense at a nuts-and-bolts level. Don't box yourself in with conventional logic, because it's usually wrong. This is an experimental intellegental - spitballing the whosits and debating the whatnots about the Chinese bat plague. |
Wed, 9 December 2020
12.01.20: Question Everything, Including Masks! Reward Your Skepticism & Feed the Gearhead Brain - What Works? Leadership VS Lockdowns? Hypocrites & Hysteria? Exposed VS Dead? + Monolord, Faust & Shortee, Folk Implosion
Scratch that itch - what's that line from Dirty Harry? "I gots to know!" The Gearhead Consultancy is fueled by the geek brain, always connecting the dots, pulling the threads, and more often than not, poking da' bears. We got a truckload of itches scratched and laid out some questions about why the mask fear-pressure freakout ain't making sense at a nuts-and-bolts level. Don't box yourself in with conventional logic, because it's usually wrong. This is an experimental intellegental - spitballing the whosits and debating the whatnots about the Chinese bat plague. |
Wed, 2 December 2020
11.21.20 (MP3): Go Ahead, Sweat the Small Stuff! Fun Fixes for Function, or How I Learned to Deal w/ Little Jobs & Love the Bomb, w/ 7.3 Powerstroke & Civic To-Dos, the Fail Cascade (Failscade), Dodging Big-$ Breakage, + Farflung, Hum & Dr. Who
If you don't take care of small repairs, they'll rot into big ones - it can be said about a million things, including ex-girlfriends and garbage disposals, but in this case, it's the easy stuff like brake pads, fuel filters, timing belts, tires, batteries and 100 other silly fixes that will bite you in the shiny metal ass if you don't deal with them pronto. So: don't be THAT guy, because SMBF. Joined on the episode by Tyrannosaurus Desk and Fancy Pen, Hostus Maximus delves deeply into this used-car spinoff topic, rummaging through the geek-food that comes from connecting the technical dots, one little fix at a time. |
Wed, 2 December 2020
11.21.20: Go Ahead, Sweat the Small Stuff! Fun Fixes for Function, or How I Learned to Deal w/ Little Jobs & Love the Bomb, w/ 7.3 Powerstroke & Civic To-Dos, the Fail Cascade (Failscade), Dodging Big-$ Breakage, + Farflung, Hum & Dr. Who
If you don't take care of small repairs, they'll rot into big ones - it can be said about a million things, including ex-girlfriends and garbage disposals, but in this case, it's the easy stuff like brake pads, fuel filters, timing belts, tires, batteries and 100 other silly fixes that will bite you in the shiny metal ass if you don't deal with them pronto. So: don't be THAT guy, because SMBF. Joined on the episode by Tyrannosaurus Desk and Fancy Pen, Hostus Maximus delves deeply into this used-car spinoff topic, rummaging through the geek-food that comes from connecting the technical dots, one little fix at a time. |