Tue, 28 June 2016
![]() True to form, the Garage Hour goons have recorded another ricochet episode: so much topic, so little time. Too many good guests and too many powerful cohosts means what little rudder this episode had won't be enough - beer craft and hop styles, AR-15s and AK-47s (and how to wreck an AK, from someone who did it back when the bad guys wore black PJs), wine versus Prius owners, forklifts, food truck, hipsters versus snobs, weird beers, brewing in barrels, Oklahoma humor, and a first-person dissertation on the defilade angles of the JFK shooting (because who doesn't enjoy a little conspiracy?). Throw a Garage Hour and a party happens, especially when you do it at Helix Brewing in La Mesa's scenic industrial district. Escorted into the gravity well by Hostus Maximus Justin Fort, none other than .45 Phil and Chef Jeff answer the call, followed by Mrs. Jeff and Mike the Duck, as well as a few long-time neighbors of the show, Mr. and Mrs. Green Beret (John & Gayle). Everyone's host at this episode of brick-lined excellence was the defatigueable Cameron from Helix Brewing, big fan of the ladies and one-man brewing army. If you listen loosely, you'll even hear Cameron admit that he talks to his beers. The big question is whether they talk back. If you prefer to listen to this episode in hi-fi marble-countertop fancypants M4A mode, search for the same date episode without the "MP3" tag on it. |
Tue, 28 June 2016
![]() True to form, the Garage Hour goons have recorded another ricochet episode: so much topic, so little time. Too many good guests and too many powerful cohosts means what little rudder this episode had won't be enough - beer craft and hop styles, AR-15s and AK-47s (and how to wreck an AK, from someone who did it back when the bad guys wore black PJs), wine versus Prius owners, forklifts, food truck, hipsters versus snobs, weird beers, brewing in barrels, Oklahoma humor, and a first-person dissertation on the defilade angles of the JFK shooting (because who doesn't enjoy a little conspiracy?). Throw a Garage Hour and a party happens, especially when you do it at Helix Brewing in La Mesa's scenic industrial district. Escorted into the gravity well by Hostus Maximus Justin Fort, none other than .45 Phil and Chef Jeff answer the call, followed by Mrs. Jeff and Mike the Duck, as well as a few long-time neighbors of the show, Mr. and Mrs. Green Beret (John & Gayle). Everyone's host at this episode of brick-lined excellence was the defatigueable Cameron from Helix Brewing, big fan of the ladies and one-man brewing army. If you listen loosely, you'll even hear Cameron admit that he talks to his beers. The big question is whether they talk back. If you prefer to listen to this episode in low-fi knuckle-draggin' portable MP3 mode, search for the same date episode with the "MP3" tag on it. |
Mon, 20 June 2016
![]() So much good stuff… Do you like your gearhead awesomeness covered in political gravy and conspiracy sauce? This Garage Hour has your number. Hell, all of 'em do. Right out of the gate, it's cohost Crag Maxwell versus La Mesa's Mayor Methuselah (who had the kimchee to threaten the only guy in East County who can tuck in his shirt), but that doesn't last - this episode dives quickly towards the Malaysian Grand Prix and boy-racer Lewis "I'm Such a Dick I Fired my Dad" Hamilton and his silly Ahab beard, and swerves back to how local police are getting MRAPs before the best gearhead show on the air falls off a cliff with Gary Larson versus Mark Larson, and who looks better in a ten-gallon hat. Important program notes: .45 Phil's Tank of the Week is the M551 Sheridan, which was supposed to float, and putting Not-Yet-Agent-Aya on the same comm channel as .45 Phil does not good mic balance make. The political questions never end: how did Joe Biden spend half a mil of taxpayer dollars in Paris in one night, is the US gov using "zombie" training to desensitize its agents against shooting the low-info hordes, and why when the government is here to help, it never is? Back to the good stuff: this episode also has spaghetti westerns, great bad guys (Lee Van Cleef versus Henry Fonda as Angel Eyes), Corey Farley versus John Candy, old versus remake-based cinema, and as promised, moral narcism and its newfound chew toy, the Prius (and Crag's artful analysis of where you can put yours). A high-fi version of this episode is available in M4A form if you search for the same date without an "MP3" tag. |
Mon, 20 June 2016
![]() So much good stuff… Do you like your gearhead awesomeness covered in political gravy and conspiracy sauce? This Garage Hour has your number. Hell, all of 'em do. Right out of the gate, it's cohost Crag Maxwell versus La Mesa's Mayor Methuselah (who had the kimchee to threaten the only guy in East County who can tuck in his shirt), but that doesn't last - this episode dives quickly towards the Malaysian Grand Prix and boy-racer Lewis "I'm Such a Dick I Fired my Dad" Hamilton and his silly Ahab beard, and swerves back to how local police are getting MRAPs before the best gearhead show on the air falls off a cliff with Gary Larson versus Mark Larson, and who looks better in a ten-gallon hat. Important program notes: .45 Phil's Tank of the Week is the M551 Sheridan, which was supposed to float, and putting Not-Yet-Agent-Aya on the same comm channel as .45 Phil does not good mic balance make. The political questions never end: how did Joe Biden spend half a mil of taxpayer dollars in Paris in one night, is the US gov using "zombie" training to desensitize its agents against shooting the low-info hordes, and why when the government is here to help, it never is? Back to the good stuff: this episode also has spaghetti westerns, great bad guys (Lee Van Cleef versus Henry Fonda as Angel Eyes), Corey Farley versus John Candy, old versus remake-based cinema, and as promised, moral narcism and its newfound chew toy, the Prius (and Crag's artful analysis of where you can put yours). A low-fi version of this episode is available in MP3 form if you search for the same date with an "MP3" tag. |
Mon, 13 June 2016
![]() From a steamroller intro charged with goon-hosin' wankery to our favorite government agency, the ATF (Alcohol, Trucks & Firearms), THIS is one of the epic ricochetfest Garage Hours that have made the show famous. Cohosts .45 Phil and Crag Maxwell buttressed Hostus Maximus Justin Fort for this one. Forget the storyline - how about a list? 1. Sasquatch, 2. Sasquatchy chicks, 3. Imperial red beers, 4. Pinko Bob "Catfish" Filner, 5. Martin Luther versus Martin Luther King Jr. (hint: they both win), 6. fighter plane flybys, 7. model tanks, 8. virtue versus vice (have some!), 9. Mayor Daley versus Hitler, 10. elected officials versus representatives, 11. American-made Jeeps versus Chinese ones, 12. union membership in government, 13. the awfulness that is divide & conquer, 14. Crown Vics from Mexico and Jeep engines from minivans, 15. happy birthday to Stonewall Jackson and George MacArthur. And that's just the first half-hour. In segments three and four: 1. Offending aliens, 2. senile versus crazy, 3. Demolition Man versus Copland, 4. Tank of the Week and the M18 Hellcat, 5. .45 Phil's dissertation on the Hellcat versus German panzers and "Panther Soup", 6. the problem that is a gasoline-powered tank (don't flick your Bic), 7. reading "Armed Response", 8. Israel versus Egypt and the Muslim Brotherhood, 9. why President Kardashian is giving the MusBros 200 Abrams and a few dozen Block 52 F-16s, 10. junkyard moments and Dodge 2500 shocks, 11. load versus damping, 12. Sasquatch v2 (49 states!), 13. national versus local police forces, 14. subtlety versus conspiracy, 15. Hot Blonde at Manzanita! Phew. If you'd like the hi-fi quiche-eatin' version of this episode, look for the same date podcast without an "MP3" tag in the title. |
Mon, 13 June 2016
![]() From a steamroller intro charged with goon-hosin' wankery to our favorite government agency, the ATF (Alcohol, Trucks & Firearms), THIS is one of the epic ricochetfest Garage Hours that have made the show famous. Cohosts .45 Phil and Crag Maxwell buttressed Hostus Maximus Justin Fort for this one. Forget the storyline - how about a list? 1. Sasquatch, 2. Sasquatchy chicks, 3. Imperial red beers, 4. Pinko Bob "Catfish" Filner, 5. Martin Luther versus Martin Luther King Jr. (hint: they both win), 6. fighter plane flybys, 7. model tanks, 8. virtue versus vice (have some!), 9. Mayor Daley versus Hitler, 10. "elected officials" versus "representatives", 11. American-made Jeeps versus Chinese ones, 12. union membership in government, 13. the awfulness that is divide & conquer, 14. Crown Vics from Mexico and Jeep engines from minivans, 15. happy birthday to Stonewall Jackson and George MacArthur. And that's just the first half-hour. In segments three and four: 1. Offending aliens, 2. senile versus crazy, 3. Demolition Man versus Copland, 4. Tank of the Week and the M18 Hellcat and "Panther Soup", 5. .45 Phil's dissertation on the Hellcat versus German panzers, 6. the problem that is a gasoline-powered tank (don't flick your Bic), 7. reading "Armed Response", 8. Israel versus Egypt and the Muslim Brotherhood, 9. why President Kardashian is giving the MusBros 200 Abrams and a few dozen Block 52 F-16s, 10. junkyard moments and Dodge 2500 shocks, 11. load versus damping, 12. Sasquatch v2 (49 states!), 13. national versus local police forces, 14. subtlety versus conspiracy, 15. Hot Blonde at Manzanita! Phew. If you'd like the low-fi knuckle-draggin' version of this episode, look for the same date podcast with an "MP3" tag in the title. |