Mon, 18 July 2016
07.13.16 (MP3): Second Amendment Issues in Kalifornistan (Live from Helix Brewing), Assault Weapons Ban VS Civil Rights, Glock Factory Triggers, Legislators VS Voters, Government Creatures, Reservoir Dogs VS Usual Suspects, + Gun Care w/ Brake Cleaner
Sometimes there's just enough episode for one really big point, and this was one of those nights. Recording at Helix Brewing Co. in La Mesa, CA, the Garage Hour goons (well, just two goons plus Miss Pink) spent some solid time talking about what California's misguided (or likely just wrong) "elected" representatives have been doing to your Second Amendment. Don't be shocked - bad things are coming. Worse. Worser. Matt Klier from Active Shooter Defense School (along with Miss Pink, of ASDPink) joined the Garage Hour's Hostus Maximus (Justin Pink) to chat about the anti-2A bills that have recently been signed by Kalifornistan Gov. Spongebrain Brownpants, and touch on Matt's plan to sue the state on civil rights grounds for one of the laws, which outright bans "assault weapons". Sadly, there is has been no mention of the state going after "assault" behavior, "assault" cars or "assault" governance. Count on the Garage Hour for other associated gearhead awesomeness: there is the lifelong question of whether Honda has ever really made a "truck", whether you'd trade your Constitutional rights for a cup of coffee, if Steven Seagal is, in fact, a murder robot, how to clean your firearms with brake cleaner, how not to treat your rifle, and about 72 attempts to avoid talking about Hillary "I'm too cankly to arrest" Clinton. |
Mon, 18 July 2016
07.13.16: Second Amendment Issues in Kalifornistan (Live from Helix Brewing), Assault Weapons Ban VS Civil Rights, Glock Factory Triggers, Legislators VS Voters, Government Creatures, Reservoir Dogs VS Usual Suspects, + Gun Care w/ Brake Cleaner
Sometimes there's just enough episode for one really big point, and this was one of those nights. Recording at Helix Brewing Co. in La Mesa, CA, the Garage Hour goons (well, just two goons plus Miss Pink) spent some real time talking about what California's misguided (or likely just wrong) "elected" representatives have been doing to your Second Amendment. Don't be shocked - bad things are coming. Worse. Worser. Matt Klier from Active Shooter Defense School (along with Miss Pink, of ASDPink) joined the Garage Hour's Hostus Maximus (Justin Pink) to chat about the anti-2A bills that have recently been signed by Kalifornistan Gov. Spongebrain Brownpants, and touch on Matt's plan to sue the state on civil rights grounds for one of the laws, which outright bans "assault weapons". Sadly, there is has been no mention of the state going after "assault" behavior, "assault" cars or "assault" governance. Count on the Garage Hour for other associated gearhead awesomeness: there is the lifelong question of whether Honda has ever really made a "truck", whether you'd trade your Constitutional rights for a cup of coffee, if Steven Seagal is, in fact, a murder robot, how to clean your firearms with brake cleaner, how not to treat your rifle, and about 72 attempts to avoid talking about Hillary "I'm too cankly to arrest" Clinton. |
Sat, 2 July 2016
02.16.13 (MP3): Off-Road Access (& Who's Blocking it), F-15 VS Tupolev, Trench Guns VS Shovels, Shotguns VS Iraq, Interior Dept's Sally Jewell VS Freedom, REI+Sierra Nevada=Evil, + Goatsnake, St. Vitus, Five Horse Johnson, Coverdale-Page &the FAL of Tanks
Wondering why your favorite trail is locked up now? Can't figure out why the off-roading that Americans have always done is suddenly verboten and frowned upon? Can't stand the tree-hugging watermelon environmentalist elitists who seem to keep taking away the freedoms you hold dear? Well, have we got a show for you - a bit of a glimpse into the behavior (and the names) of people and companies that are standing athwart history in an frighteningly expansive effort to use greenthink and green excuses and green behavior to undermine your red, white and blue. From Sally Jewell, creepy statist CEO of REI who's now the head of the US Interior Department (and who's never met a road she didn't want to block) to companies like Sierra Nevada and Anheiser Busch, the Garage Hour goons go through why these footpath zealot regressed-Earth elitists believe taking away your trail access is good (often because it's bad), and a little bit about the logic they piss on while digging your rights' grave. Hmmmm, these flat-foreheaded freaks in the federal government sure seem to waste a lot of resources while taking away yours... Don't worry - it's still a Garage Hour. There's shotguns and trench guns, .45 Phil calling out Skull & Bones and calling President Selfie Stick a wussie, there's fighter jets and Russian bombers, tanks and the Homer Tax, rock and roll, Crag Maxwell attempts to strangle a wind turbine, Dirty Dave calls out every Marine he can find, and Hostus Maximus Justin Fort realizes that he still has Ministry's Psalm 69 on cassette. If you're prefer the high-res M4A version of this episode, just dig up the same date without the "MP3" tag in the title. |
Sat, 2 July 2016
02.16.13: Off-Road Access (& Who's Blocking it), F-15 VS Tupolev, Trench Guns VS Shovels, Shotguns VS Iraq, Interior Dept's Sally Jewell VS Freedom, REI+Sierra Nevada=Evil, + Goatsnake, St. Vitus, Five Horse Johnson, Coverdale-Page & the FAL of Tanks
Wondering why your favorite trail is locked up now? Can't figure out why the off-roading that Americans have always done is suddenly verboten and frowned upon? Can't stand the tree-hugging watermelon environmentalist elitists who seem to keep taking away the freedoms you hold dear? Well, have we got a show for you - a bit of a glimpse into the behavior (and the names) of people and companies that are standing athwart history in an frighteningly expansive effort to use greenthink and green excuses and green behavior to undermine your red, white and blue. From Sally Jewell, creepy statist CEO of REI who's now the head of the US Interior Department (and who's never met a road she didn't want to block) to companies like Sierra Nevada and Anheiser Busch, the Garage Hour goons go through why these footpath zealot regressed-Earth elitists believe taking away your trail access is good (often because it's bad), and a little bit about the logic they piss on while digging your rights' grave. Hmmmm, these flat-foreheaded freaks in the federal government sure seem to waste a lot of resources while taking away yours... Don't worry - it's still a Garage Hour. There's shotguns and trench guns, .45 Phil calling out Skull & Bones and calling President Selfie Stick a wussie, there's fighter jets and Russian bombers, tanks and the Homer Tax, rock and roll, Crag Maxwell attempts to strangle a wind turbine, Dirty Dave calls out every Marine he can find, and Hostus Maximus Justin Fort realizes that he still has Ministry's Psalm 69 on cassette. If you're prefer the low-fi MP3 version of this episode, just dig up the same date with the "MP3" tag in the title. |